I know I know, I said Weardale was going to be Rods 2nd show however after looking at the weather forecast, and the show organisers advising against camping at the show, I decided an 11 hour round trip to basically just have a bash at the novice chum wasnt worth it. So instead I went out drinking in Swindon for the weekend... lifes tough sometimes :-P!
Anyway after Rugby and my missed A-frame, you can guess what ive been training lol. I also drove down to Kent for an evening to do some training with Lee, he teaches me so much everytime we train together, I have no idea how anyone gets around an agility course, without training with someone good like him on a regular basis.
The Friday before Agility Club I was really ill, I took the day off work and laid in bed all day feeling sorry for myself, somehow got myself together and drove down to the show (30mins down the road, I was camping)I went over Carole Harris'for the evening, didnt even drink... just proves how ill I was! Sat morning I attempted to walk my Novice Chum, the only class I really wanted to win, had to have a few breaks inbetween cos of dizzyness. It was pretty hard for a 3-5, after walking it with Lee I felt alot more confident. I personally felt the run was practically perfect, well apart from the weave entry we missed. As I turned around I was literally pointed at the 2nd weave, a more experienced dog wouldnt of had a problem, but I guess I should give him a break, being his 2nd show and all lol. Here is the run below... kindly videoed my Lucy Clifton...
We also had a jumping, which was so easy, I decided it couldnt go wrong... that will teach me! I decided for some reason to cross behind a flat tunnel, which wasnt the thing to do. I also decided to cross behind before telling Rod to go in it, so I basically got him 5 faults.. tut! Rest of the run was ok though. This very same course Tash and Jive (Rodneys Sister) did a STUNNING run, until Tash let her jump the wrong jump just before the end, I am pretty sure they would of won it! Here it is...
Rods last run of the day was the pairs which we did with Sammie and Dylon (Rodneys Dad)Rod did a nice clear, afew turns werent perfect and it wasnt amazingly fast, but it was acceptable. Sammie however got us E'd... :-P Here are our runs...
Phoebe had no good rounds on the Sat, however luckly had one good one on Sunday, where she came 3rd.
Rods grade 3 agility on Sunday I really liked, was a lovely lovely course! I however didnt call in time coming out of the tunnel and he saw the dog walk and thought wayhay another go, so I got us E'd. Contacts once again were perfect. The camera dies just after the see-saw, however in this run, I decide to correct the see-saw, cos I thought he had flown it slightly, dont get me wrong, I dont think it was enough for a judge to mark, how many judges mark any form of see-saws? However I want my contacts to be perfect, therefore I will be a 100% consistant in the ring. After watching my video back, I believe it was a perfect see-saw and I see no reason for my correction in the ring... damn it! Anyway here is the video... I actually think he is starting to look a wee bit faster :)
Unfortunatly by the time Rods 3-5 jumping had come along, Lucy had gone home so it didnt get videoed. Was another good run though, however he came 9th, abit of a rubbish place I know... only 0.9 behind the winner (Leah and Hex)so I wont complain too much.
For some reason this has been one of the best shows. So many funny things happened I dont have time to write them all. I will however mention some of the Paul Oldfield ones! (If you dont know Paul, I doublt you will find any of this funny... sorry)
1) He won the SMALL CHAMPIONSHIP TICKET with Scout! Which now makes the dog AG CH! The jumping run was amazing to watch. Soooo funny... I have never seen Paul work a course so hard, he almost got E'd but saved it, had no idea the old man could move so fast. I missed both the agility and final rounds :( There was however a large turnout cos everyone knew Paul was in them (I dont think the small final has ever had such a large audience :-P.) I have also never seen Lee laugh so much and/or so hard!
2) In the Large Crufts Singles, he was saying to Lee how you should be practically in the tunnel as you do a reverse for a certain bit of the course. Paul however took this too literally, ended up with a leg wedged in it, falling backwards, how he didnt end up totally ass over tit I have nooooooo idea. Lucy and I were laughing soooo hard it hurt, for some reason, we couldnt see anyone else laughing though, o well lol!
3) Paul was doing a really nice clear in the Chum, Lee had advised him that at number 19 a "spinning blind" would work nicely... erm... Paul was very excited that he was going clear (there hadnt been too many) he got to it, wasnt committed and got a 5R... tut... he straight away pointed the blame to Lee of course!
This weekend was also good because, some how or another Lucy Clifton won a class... she hadnt even walked the course, and.. she had a really wide snake thing. Only 3 more to go :D! Her team (Thames) also qualified for Crufts.. yay!
Tash and Maddie won the large ticket, I think thats there 4th :)
We are at Tenterden next weekend, Rods last weekend running at grade 3, lets hope the weather is nice.
Monday, 27 July 2009
Monday, 13 July 2009
Rodneys first show!
As most know, it was Rodneys first show over the weekend. Something I have looked forward to however also dreaded for some time now.
The weather was crap on Saturday and my hair went curly and erghh, not a great start, but I soldiered on! First up was one of Rods agilitys, was a lovely course, I really liked it. All contacts were perfect, I just got too excited towards the end and pulled him out of his weaves by calling his name, what a numpty! However, despite my bad handling I was very pleased with the run. We had another agility next (both were either 1-3 or 1-4)this was again a nice ish course, had a couple of bits I didn't like, but I was happy I was going to get around it... this however was not the case. It was a sharp right turn off the A-frame, I have done this a million times in training and I know we can do it perfect, however he jumped, therefore I could not continue, I corrected by doing the A-frame again. I was very surprised he did this, I then ran the rest of the course terribly, which is NOT acceptable. I always tell him once on dog walk what direction he will be coming off of it, this however I did not do and Lee said I wasn't even running right I was doing everything half heartily, which again isn't acceptable, anyway he came off dog walk side ways cos he didn't know where he was going... TOTALLY my fault, the thing with running contacts is, even though it was my fault, I couldn't continue with the run, so I left the ring. Very annoyed about A-frame and for myself for not running rest of course right. Later on there was a practise ring, I did a few dog walks, they were perfect. Then I did afew A-frames, "goes" were perfect, then I mainly spent my 2 mins of time on equipment doing turns off A-frame, these however were only 50%, I don't even remember my contacts ever being that bad. Yes I am annoyed, however just shows an area which I will be focusing on over the next few days or however long it takes to make perfect. I can not get him to do anything wrong in training regarding his contacts, therefore it shows I must get to more new venues to train.
I also had a jumping run on the Sat, Lee had told me the best way to run it, I did what he said and it worked perfectly :D Rod was abit slow in and out of turns, however when I started running so did he. I couldn't really fault the run though, I actually think I handled well for once... weird! His turns were perfect, his weaves were great, was just a nice run... his 3rd ever run, first clear and he came 7th :)Phoebe was also good, by having all clears, she picked up a 2nd in grade 6 jumping... so close, I'm starting to think she may actually go grade 7 one of these days :P
Sunday... Well Sat night was abit of a drinking night shall we say. I drank a little too much and had next to no sleep tut! Lucy Clifton was veryy funny and drunk this evening HA!! Therefore Sunday was abit of a struggle!! Rodneys first jumping class was again really nice. I have spoken to Lee regarding how much I should push/ pressure Rods in the ring, he believes you should be calm, collect and let the dog have there head to start with when you first get in the ring to prevent pressuring and blowing there minds, so this is what I have been doing in his jumping (have to push in agility cos of contacts)Even with just basically doing a nice training round like the jumping on the Sat, Rod came 4th in Grade 3 woohoo. Sian and Eddi won it (It was also Eddi's first show :)) Dave and Nala came 2nd, not sure who come 3rd. Rodneys next jumping class, I was useless in, got around with just having one pole (Rodneys only pole of the weekend)however I wasn't happy with the way I handled at all. So my last run of the weekend 1-4 agility I was determined to do better 1) cos it was our next agility class since Rod jumped A-frame on the Sat, 2) I had just handled terribly in jumping! Gary Woodham was judging, again was a good following course. I literally woke up, thought s**t hope my class is still running ran down, saw Lee and said I was running, then went in the ring. Luckily I did wake up, cos Rod was fantastic and won the class WOOHOOOOOO!!! After watching Heges run with her youngest I honestly didn't think I could beat it. Of course I was really pleased, so grade 4 here we come :D!
Here is a pic of Rods with his trophy and rosette from winning combined 1-4 agility, there was roughly 180 dogs in the class.
I also saw Natasha Wise run Rodneys sister, Jive. She is looking fantastic :D! I think Tash won every class with Dizzy this weekend, including Champ and Crufts singles, I don't know why other people, including myself with mediums even bother... no-one else can even compare.
Today was the GB world team try outs. Lee and Bold won the large overall woohoo (hope he doesn't start charging me for training :S)Sue Rolfe and Kes also made the team, which I am really pleased about. Natasha and Dizzy won medium :)
Once again another very long posting, I know I could prob go on alot more, however ill save it for next week. Weardale this weekend coming :D! xoxo
The weather was crap on Saturday and my hair went curly and erghh, not a great start, but I soldiered on! First up was one of Rods agilitys, was a lovely course, I really liked it. All contacts were perfect, I just got too excited towards the end and pulled him out of his weaves by calling his name, what a numpty! However, despite my bad handling I was very pleased with the run. We had another agility next (both were either 1-3 or 1-4)this was again a nice ish course, had a couple of bits I didn't like, but I was happy I was going to get around it... this however was not the case. It was a sharp right turn off the A-frame, I have done this a million times in training and I know we can do it perfect, however he jumped, therefore I could not continue, I corrected by doing the A-frame again. I was very surprised he did this, I then ran the rest of the course terribly, which is NOT acceptable. I always tell him once on dog walk what direction he will be coming off of it, this however I did not do and Lee said I wasn't even running right I was doing everything half heartily, which again isn't acceptable, anyway he came off dog walk side ways cos he didn't know where he was going... TOTALLY my fault, the thing with running contacts is, even though it was my fault, I couldn't continue with the run, so I left the ring. Very annoyed about A-frame and for myself for not running rest of course right. Later on there was a practise ring, I did a few dog walks, they were perfect. Then I did afew A-frames, "goes" were perfect, then I mainly spent my 2 mins of time on equipment doing turns off A-frame, these however were only 50%, I don't even remember my contacts ever being that bad. Yes I am annoyed, however just shows an area which I will be focusing on over the next few days or however long it takes to make perfect. I can not get him to do anything wrong in training regarding his contacts, therefore it shows I must get to more new venues to train.
I also had a jumping run on the Sat, Lee had told me the best way to run it, I did what he said and it worked perfectly :D Rod was abit slow in and out of turns, however when I started running so did he. I couldn't really fault the run though, I actually think I handled well for once... weird! His turns were perfect, his weaves were great, was just a nice run... his 3rd ever run, first clear and he came 7th :)Phoebe was also good, by having all clears, she picked up a 2nd in grade 6 jumping... so close, I'm starting to think she may actually go grade 7 one of these days :P
Sunday... Well Sat night was abit of a drinking night shall we say. I drank a little too much and had next to no sleep tut! Lucy Clifton was veryy funny and drunk this evening HA!! Therefore Sunday was abit of a struggle!! Rodneys first jumping class was again really nice. I have spoken to Lee regarding how much I should push/ pressure Rods in the ring, he believes you should be calm, collect and let the dog have there head to start with when you first get in the ring to prevent pressuring and blowing there minds, so this is what I have been doing in his jumping (have to push in agility cos of contacts)Even with just basically doing a nice training round like the jumping on the Sat, Rod came 4th in Grade 3 woohoo. Sian and Eddi won it (It was also Eddi's first show :)) Dave and Nala came 2nd, not sure who come 3rd. Rodneys next jumping class, I was useless in, got around with just having one pole (Rodneys only pole of the weekend)however I wasn't happy with the way I handled at all. So my last run of the weekend 1-4 agility I was determined to do better 1) cos it was our next agility class since Rod jumped A-frame on the Sat, 2) I had just handled terribly in jumping! Gary Woodham was judging, again was a good following course. I literally woke up, thought s**t hope my class is still running ran down, saw Lee and said I was running, then went in the ring. Luckily I did wake up, cos Rod was fantastic and won the class WOOHOOOOOO!!! After watching Heges run with her youngest I honestly didn't think I could beat it. Of course I was really pleased, so grade 4 here we come :D!
Here is a pic of Rods with his trophy and rosette from winning combined 1-4 agility, there was roughly 180 dogs in the class.
I also saw Natasha Wise run Rodneys sister, Jive. She is looking fantastic :D! I think Tash won every class with Dizzy this weekend, including Champ and Crufts singles, I don't know why other people, including myself with mediums even bother... no-one else can even compare.
Today was the GB world team try outs. Lee and Bold won the large overall woohoo (hope he doesn't start charging me for training :S)Sue Rolfe and Kes also made the team, which I am really pleased about. Natasha and Dizzy won medium :)
Once again another very long posting, I know I could prob go on alot more, however ill save it for next week. Weardale this weekend coming :D! xoxo
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