So weathers been slightly better over the past couple of weeks, so ive finally been able to get a little bit of training in. Rodney has been fantastic apart from last night at Corton, where he was well just rubbish. Phoebe even got to do 15 mins worth of training last weekend :0!
This weekend Lucy and I ventured up to Waldridge Fell, arriving there at 2am (only a 5 hour drive erghh) We stayed in a travel lodge, for a couple of hours, where the dogs were all soo naughty, we didnt get any sleep. We got up at 7 after being very pissed off and went to the show 20 mins down the road. Was cold, but luckily not wet. We spent a fortune of raffle tickets to find out there was only 3/4 prizes.... what!! Guess we were up north, we should of known!
Phoebe ran pretty well, had a 4th in 1-7 agility, only 1 second behind Alan Gardner who was 2nd... not too bad for a spaniel. On the video looks like she misses her dog walk, however as you slow it down you can see she taps it with one front paw... just trying to figure how to slow it down and sent to Lucy to prove it! Ha! She then had a pole in jumping, then other jumping missed her weaves and some how I fell over a jump.... NO LUCY that video is not going online!
Ploddy Roddy was also a good lad, in the agility I didnt call him after the dog walk and he took the wrong jump, have no idea what I was doing.. soo annoyed! 6/7 jumping, Rod ran wide and missed a jump. Then he WON grade 6 jumping woohoo, by 0.7 so he finally has his first win towards grade 7 :) Here is a video below, for some reason in bad quality :(
This weekend Lucy and I are going back up north for the Hare and Hound show, 4 runs per dog and Paul Oldfield is having a run with Phoebe... :D veryyyyy excited!