Saturday, 6 March 2010

Rodney = Grade 7

Quite a lot has happened in the last few weeks. Took the dogs to my clubs show on the 20th of Feb, somehow Phoebe managed 2/3 clears, which was very strange, seeing how it was a limited show, she won them both :) Rodney also had 2/3 clears and won 1 and came 2nd in the other. I also ran Dylon and had 2/3 clears, he had 2x 3rds. So wasnt a bad days training.

Lucy and I went down and trained with Lee last Saturday, as usual we got lots out of it... and lotssss to work on :( which of course is always brilliant, however Lee really likes to show up my handling faults to make me work on certain things, so I always look and feel rubbish when training with him. But again... if this didnt happen I wouldnt improve, so I will not complain. No point doing agility if you are not happy to learn or get better. Someone asked me the other day who I thought was the best trainer in the country... there is no question... Lee Windeatt is. 1) He doesnt MAKE you do his way, he only suggests it and shows you how and why it is better. When showing me things, he has not once been wrong. He does not say its my way or not at all... I have heard a few agility people saying this now, it is a ridiculous attitude which I hate. 2) Hes lovely to his dogs and everyone elses, when teaching he takes everyones training techniques and dogs ability into account. 3) He is very supportive and helps anyone at shows etc. To be honest with you I could go on for ages. I am pretty certain 99% of people that have trained with him, would agree.

Anyway on to more important things like Mid-downs today. Well, as my title of this blog says... Rodney is now grade 7 :D He won Tash's (Natasha Wise) grade 6 agility by just over 2 seconds, video is below...

In the 5-7 agility, I didnt call him enough and he did an extra A-frame, so I did a quick route to leave the ring. Then in the jumping, I was an idiot (as I was told a lot today) and ran off wayyyy too early and got E'd. A few things from the courses today which I need to work on. Phoebe also ran very well (2 weeks till her first champ ahhhhh lol)

Well its Crufts this week.. I am going up on Thursday as Lucys groom, then on Sunday as Lees. I am really looking forward to it... mainly cos I am hoping to get Rodney a bling collar :D Not sure how mum is going to feel about this lol.

So basically a few random weeks off, hopefully will be able to fit a bit of UKA into one of two of my weekends. Then as of easter, the agility season really kicks off. I couldnt be more excited :D
