It was lovely weather, lots of runs and dogs ran well, so all in all a good weekend. Was nice and relaxing due to not needing any wins, no qualifiers so for once could just chill out. Most of my runs with Rodney I tried being extra calm, making sure I had a nice wait, not over working weave entries and trying things I wouldnt usually try in a class I wanted to do well in. He ran a lot better, minus a few handling mistakes.
First run of the weekend, about 270 dogs in the 1-7 jumping, he came 3rd. Here is the run below...
We also had another place or two through out the day. Here below is Rodneys agility run from Sunday. He ran very well until the end where I called him and he missed weaves, I then took him back did it how I should of done it first time and he did it lovely. That will teach me for over working once again.
Phoebe also ran well, think she had 4 clear rounds... so weird. Of course in usual style, didnt get any of them videoed. Here below is Phoebe doing a nice training run until I let her run past a jump...
Also ran Dylon (Rodneys dad) for a run on Sunday, once again about 270 dogs in the 1-7 jumping and he came 2nd. What a clever lad...
This weekend I am off to Woodside, bit of a drive, however really looking forward to it. Rodney and Phoebe's 2nd champs, hopefully I will handle calmer and in general just better. Not sure if Lucy is coming or not, so will have to find myself another videoer :O.
This week I must train, a bit more speed out of turns and running past obstacles when I say "here" and drop my arm. O and doing tunnel rather than the contact when tunnel is under contact, I still get nervous and over handle tut.